Orbital solar power plant "can solve energy crisis"

Orbital solar power plant "can solve energy crisis"

According to a study by an international scientific group, if the solar energy is directly obtained in space, it can provide a cost-effective way to meet the world's electricity demand for the next 30 years under government funding.

It is technically feasible for orbital power plants to collect solar energy and radiate it to Earth in the next 10 to 20 years. An international academy of astronautics research group headquartered in Paris said that based on current laboratory technology, it is not yet possible to lay The circuit diagram cannot also propose a specific architecture.

Leading this study was John Mankins, a 25-year NASA veteran. The organization is led by Mr. Madhavan Nair, former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization.

The study was called the first international assessment of the collection of solar energy in space and the wireless transmission of the potential path to the Earth. It is said that in order to stimulate economic investment, the government urgently needs to introduce the concept of space solar power generation.

It is impossible for the private sector to develop this project alone because the current “unclear economic prospects” and the immature demonstration period are still lagging behind, raising concerns about the continued dependence on fossil fuels and accelerating global pollution. So far, there is no accurate estimate of a potential overall price tag for completing the project.

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