All matters needing attention in the application of paint equipment

As the old saying goes: "Internal professionals take a look at the door and amateurs watch it. Indeed, for paint equipment, it is believed that the majority of consumers do not know much about it, but for professionals who frequently come into contact with it, it is actually for coating equipment." A variety of decorative materials are very familiar with, and today, here, its related professional decorators specifically explained the various matters regarding the coating equipment at the time of decoration, so that we all become more familiar with and understand the decorative materials. , and then to ensure that it shows good in life.
As for the matters needing attention when paint equipment is painted in life, this question must be brought to the attention of all of you, and today we have explained and pointed out in more detail below.
1, away from the fire, to avoid direct sunlight, should be placed in a well-ventilated, temperature below 35 °C places.
2. Avoid storing in locations that are vulnerable to water, organic solvents, oil, and other materials.
3, after the powder coating is not exposed to the air, should be stamped or tightly closed at any time to avoid debris mixed.
4. Avoid prolonged skin contact. The powder adhered to the skin should be rinsed with soapy water. Do not use solvents. The safety of the painting construction site 5. The equipment used in the painting operation shall be completely grounded to eliminate static electricity.
6. To avoid the phenomenon of no-end discharge of the coating machine. 7. In the powder spraying room, the concentration of the floating dust should be controlled below the safe concentration as far as possible to avoid the risk of dust exploding.
It is not difficult to see that there are many issues related to the coating equipment in our life brushing, so here are the ten details about the coating equipment that we have introduced in more detail for you. Here I hope you can be more Detailed reading and use.

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