8 Cute Home Pillow Animals + Knit Lighting Features Space

PART ONE: Cute Animals

For those of you who are accustomed to the cute style, you may also love these cute little animals when you choose home decoration items. Or you may be a magic weapon to watch them. There is always a way to convince you to take care of them. Return home. Hey, it can only move back home slightly.

Single product: art elephant

Pureness is the essence of its internal force, and the literary department's muslin reveals the literary temperament of this small pillow. The whole pillow is mostly white, with a small piece of carpet embellished with blue patterns, which is visually beautiful. The tail part also did the same. Oh, the pillow was exquisitely crafted, the stitches were fine, and the seemingly random line treatment of the big ears was more delicate. The entire pillow has a strong sense of nationality and is easy to match with a refined and unique small space.

Single product II: big face Meng lion

The big smile is like the sun is generally brilliant, people can not help but feel happy, Xiao Bian is very impulsive to buy such a pillow, so the family's face is not the largest Xiaobian I friends ~ velvet jacket feel mild, bright yellow periphery Suitable for a warm home when placed at low temperatures.

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