How much interior decoration bag 2018 What are the details of interior decoration should pay attention

The economic level of the modern people has improved. Therefore, the demand for home improvement is correspondingly higher. They all hope that their own lives will become better and better. But for the house decoration, everyone is still more concerned about its price. So, how much is the interior decoration package now? What are the decoration details to pay attention to? Follow Xiaobian to learn about it.

1,2018 how much money for all interior decoration

At present, there are three types of home decoration: half-package, full-package, and clear-package. Different methods are used. The price is different between them. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration. For example, the type of house that needs renovation, the material chosen for the decoration, the labor cost, etc., all affect the price. Therefore, how much is the 2018 interior decoration all-inclusive? The specific decoration costs do not have a standard, sometimes also because of the different regions, its price is also somewhat different. In addition, the choice of decoration companies will also lead to different renovation costs, and the actual price of the actual renovation should prevail. The following is an example of a 87m2 small three-bedroom renovation cost, for your reference only.

2, what details of interior decoration should pay attention

a. Wall paint

Wall decoration materials, latex paint is a relatively common one, generally can use brushing, rolling and spraying these three operating methods. If you are not serious in the construction process, there will often be a slight color difference, which affects the overall appearance.

b, the water pipeline

Sewer lines are often easily overlooked, and this is precisely where the problem is most likely to arise. In order to save time, the construction team often pours a large amount of cement, sand and concrete fragments generated during the renovation process into the sewers. This is extremely irresponsible and will seriously clog the sewers and affect future life.

c, floor tiles

Paving the ground is a technical job and it needs to be very careful and serious. In particular, it is necessary to pay more attention to issues such as the emptying of tiles and misalignment. In addition, the proportion of cement and binder used for laying tiles is unreasonable, and the phenomenon of tile shedding may also occur.

d, wire wear tube

During the renovation process, all the wires in the house were almost interspersed in PVC pipes and buried in the walls. The heads of households can't see the wires inside the PVC pipe at all, and it will be difficult to replace them.

Xiao Bian concludes the statement: The above is the introduction to 2018 interior decoration all-inclusive how much money and interior decoration what details should pay attention to. When decorating the interior, these details for Xiaobian must not be ignored, otherwise they will regret it. Although the current home improvement is assigned to the decoration company, it is still necessary for the owner to understand it so as not to run into some irresponsible construction teams. It is not good to spend money on it.

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